Saturday, October 27, 2007

Just got to comment...

On chapter 7 in the book. I am still picking it up here and there and discussing it with my friends, Wendy and Carol.

Read what the Lord showed me this morning during my quiet time in the Valley of Vision:
"Be happy in Him, O my heart, and in nothing but God,
for whatever a man trusts in,
from that he expects happiness!"

That echos the words from the book, "we worship what we serve, speak about, sacrifice for, seek after, spend time and money on, and trust in." Since I am worshipping the wrong thing, I am finding myself struggling to be joyful!

"He who is the ground of thy faith
should be the substance of thy joy.
Whence then comes heaviness and dejection,
when joy is sown in thee...

Art thou seeking to rejoice in thyself from an evil motive of pride and self-reputation?
Thou hast nothing of thine own but sin,
nothing to move God to be gracious
or to continue his grace towards thee.
If thou forget this thou wilt lose thy joy.

Art thou grieving under a sense of indwelling sin?
Let godly sorrow work repentance,
as the true Spirit which the Lord blesses,
and which creates fullest joy...

Let God be all in all to thee,
and joy in the foundation that is always full."

I have to admit to you that I am still hanging on to my resentfulness. I sometimes resent Anthony's long hours. I resent it because I'm alone a lot. I feel like maybe he doesn't care (of course, he does care). But I'm placing my love and trust in THAT to make me happy. I'm looking to something else but Christ for my fulfillment and satisfaction. I dwell on the behavior of my kids, or the quality of their education, or the 'spiritual' activities of my day to make me feel my worth, my contentment, my joy. I see that I am my own god. My selfishness and deep-seated belief that I should be pleased by others makes me miserable. How many evenings have I ruined for Anthony because of my nearsightedness? So often, I view MY needs as the only ones legitimate. It makes me mad, but I'm feeling sorrow that leads to repentance.

I study so much because I love to. But lately I have been feeling a lack of true spiritual hunger, of the Holy Spirit power working in me. But my heart is turning and yearning for Him, for a fresh reality of Him - not an academic understanding of Him.

I can't believe how well this book has pinpointed my heart:
"As long as things are going well in the areas you have your heart set on, you will feel all right. When they do not turn out as you may desire, frustration and perhaps anxiety begin to build even to the point of desperation... In addition to the frustration and possible anxiety, God also frustrates your idol worship because He wants your pure devotion to Him!!!!" p. 64

The list of wrong desires vs right desires is wow. I have to say, my desires are so wrongly placed. And we ask, "Well, what's wrong with wanting his affection? with wanting him to fulfill my needs? What's wrong with him making me feel special?" The enemy can be so subtle. My answer can be so cliche - "Christ can fulfill you. He can answer all your needs." But that's the truth! I have forgotten this - how do I keep this truth continually before me? I must learn to dwell on His Word all day long.

Thank you for letting me go on and on. I don't know who is checking the board but I wanted to put this out there somewhere so I don't forget! Praise the Lord that He doesn't leave me alone! He wants me to Himself and draws me to Him even when I am unfaithful to Him.

Love Jules

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Study on hold...

Hello sisters!
Praying that you are all well and that you are encouraged of the Lord!

As I read the "Excellent Wife" I am both rebuked and guided in my role as a wife and mother. Martha Peace is stepping all over my toes in this book!!! I fall far short of God's perfect picture of the excellent wife, but with His help, this is what I want to become. Every page seems to have me nodding my head in agreement, assenting to it's timeless and true principles but oh, how HARD it is to implement!!! Without being on my spiritual knees, I know this is an impossibility as I am selfish, selfish, selfish and did I mention I'm selfish? My selfishness oozes out of my thoughts, attitudes, words and actions. Lord, help me! I want to bless my husband, I want to create a peaceful and loving atmosphere for my husband and children. I desire productivity, not busy-ness, I desire orderliness, not perfectionism, I desire true patience, not just anger-management. I want to love my husband with a godly, heavenly love not with an idolatrous spirit that seeks to serve me. I want the joy of the Lord to bubble over into the daily activities of our lives so that He is glorified in all I do and say. How far I am from seeing this! Yet, this book is showing me that as a child of God, led by the Holy Spirit, called with a holy calling - He will enable me as I seek to please Him and know His Word more.

Lately, I've been dealing with all the different areas I have messed up - yes, I have been going through a time of self-pity and condemnation. But I am seeing that the Lord is drawing me to Him, answering my prayers to be more excellent, calling me to repentance for my disobedience and dishonor. He's slowly helping me to actively replace the lies with truth and ugliness with godliness. I find this book unique because by following Him, I will not only become a better wife, but a better mother, friend, servant, person. The principles are truly life-changing.

I pray that you are also able to glean wisdom from this book. Forgive me for not being a more dynamic facilitator! However, Susan, Christina and I have decided that perhaps we should place this book study 'on hold'. Most of you are either moving, without a computer, on the road or back to work and you are finding it hard to keep up. I know that some are just a little behind (as I am) and will continue to read the book. Perhaps one day we'll be able to continue. For those of you who want to go on with me, just email me as I will continue to read it on my own. I would LOVE your company! :-) (ohh, Wendy~~~!!)

Thanks for starting out with me! God bless you!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Chapters 7 & 8

I'm just plug plug pluggin' along~~~

I know we're all busy. I have to admit, I've been reading the book - a tad behind now - but just haven't put my thoughts together enough to post! Can you all just let me know if you are still reading this book or not? Or even checking the blog? Thanks!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Chapters 5 & 6

Hi Sisters!
I hope that you are still able to follow along in the book and are reaping eternal fruit from what we are studying. It's been challenging for me as I consider the many truths presented.

These two chapters help us to understand what God's plan is for marriage and for our roles within the marriage. Please share what has been meaningful to you in these two chapters. Is there anything new or different that you have learned about marriage? Is there anything that makes you uncomfortable? challenged? inspired? encouraged?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chapters 3 & 4

Hopefully everyone is still on board with the study. We did have a problem with the posts - they weren't publishing after we hit the submit button. I hope that the problem is solved. I was away this weekend and didn't take my laptop. I am here now!

Here are the questions again!

1. What has been most meaningful (blessing or challenge) to you in this week's lesson?

2. What do you intend to apply (through prayer and the Holy Spirit)?

3. How can we pray for you this week?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapters 1 & 2

Hope you all had a good week! I can tell that this study is going to be very convicting and soul-searching. I already have quite a few thoughts formulating and I've been praying about certain areas that need to be placed before the Lord. In order to share meaningfully, I will give you a couple of questions to consider and answer under this post.

1. What has been most meaningful (blessing or challenge) to you in this week's lesson?

2. What do you intend to apply (through prayer and the Holy Spirit)?

3. How can we pray for you this week?

Now for those who are married, here is this week's "assignment" (Wendy's idea!). In your journal, or your study guide, write down areas in your marriage in which you'd like to see change. Make three headings, Me, Him and Us. We will look back at the end of our study to see how God has changed us and give Him the glory! This is not to point out areas of faults and weaknesses - but areas we can honestly bring before the Lord in steadfast prayer. He knows our every need and will meet those needs with His all-knowing and loving wisdom.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Excellent Wife Introductions

Ok, I'm the first to introduce myself!
I'm Julie Park, helpmeet to Anthony, mom to Ethan, Lauren, Cayden and Aria! I home school my oldest three kids and stay at home. I thrive on busyness, have a great interest in theology and study. I love to read and collect books. I am both goofy and serious at the same time. I absolutely adore my sisters and brother. They are so dear to me! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

I live in WV where my dh is working as a geriatric psychiatrist. He just set a ton of mouse traps in all our attic space and he's feeling nauseous and head-achy. Please pray he didn't breathe in something he's not supposed to!

Looking forward to getting to know you all better!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace

Girls!!! I am so excited that we are going to be starting another study! I PRAY that I can keep up with it! I've been so busy lately (you can guess why) but I miss the fellowship of my sisters in Christ. Anyway, I hope that this will be a good study. I've heard a lot of great things about it. Let's all make our husbands' jaws drop in amazement at his new and improved EXCELLENT WIFE!!! :-)


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Suggestions for another study?

There are several of us girls who are definitely interested in doing another study. Right now, for anyone interested, we're studying the book, "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerich. It's meant for married couples but also for anyone who wants to understand how the other gender ticks before getting married. This is excellent stuff!

There's one vote for Beth Moore's David study called, "A Heart Like His" which looks really good.

Anyway, let's pray about this and see if it's possible for us to start another one!


Friday, May 18, 2007

Anyone checking in???

Wow, I haven't been here in so long!
As you all know, I've just recently had a baby: Aria Eliana
We are all doing well - just tired and busy. I am enjoying being a four-time mom!!

I don't know what we are going to do on this blog - I want to study something else but perhaps later in the summer. Our cousin would like to join us. I think we all could use this break though!

I am reading through the New Testament - first rather quickly, and then I will read the Harmony of the Gospels that I got recently. If anyone is interested, there is a book club as well - check out the other blog called Earthen Vessels. There's a link on the sidebar.

anyway, if you still check in, would you comment here? Perhaps I'm talking to thin air!! I miss all of you!!! I'm sorry I didn't finish this study. This is the first - and last- time I do that.

Love and blessings

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pop pfft fzzzzll...

Yes my dear brothers and sisters in Christ... I have fizzled... But due to popular demand, I've decided to post the questions for the last 2 weeks. I am so sorry that I was the one in the end who dropped the ball... I have been studying other things lately and with all the fuss about the upcoming baby, I have let this one drop in priority.

For those of you who haven't given up and finished the study, please bless us with your insights! And THANK YOU for enduring.
Love Jules

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Saturday, April 7, 2007


"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life" ~ John 6:63

I know that we are all struggling to finish - even I had to breeze through 8 and 9 in order to catch up. Thanks to those who have stuck it through. You are true troopers!

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
I loved reading the verse in Isaiah about the Spirit of the Lord resting on our Lord Jesus, "the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord." I see that our Lord was also led by the Holy Spirit - once again demonstrating a perfect example to His disciples (us) that our calling and ministry can only be fruitful if we are led by the Spirit.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
"Expressing in tangible ways our conviction that the spiritual is greater than the material." How does my daily life and decisions reflect this belief? I am being very convicted about material things and how my checkbook reflects my true heart - "the goodness of the material is at its best when it serves spiritual purposes." This is overflowing into other areas - the use of my time, what I put before my eyes, how much time I spend on the phone, the foolishness of my conversation, the motivations that drive me day to day. Valuing the spiritual over the material (or temporal) needs to stand before me reminding me to make the choice that most impacts eternity!

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
Let's pray for those who we haven't heard from lately as well as for each other. We only have 2 more weeks to go. Surely we can finish this now! :-) Looking forward to reading your responses. Love, Jules

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Sorry this is so late!
I have been out of town AND have had too many doctor's appointments and late nights to keep up with the posting.
I have not finished this week's lesson. I decided to go ahead and combine this week's and last weeks. Who's hanging on here? I know this is hard and it's been very hard for me as well. (I have to keep up with BSF, Homeschooling, dirty laundry and whiny kids). Pray for me and for those of us who have continued that we would persevere. Even if we're behind.

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Blessed are hte poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ~ Matt. 5:3

Although I started out a bit confused, it was good to meditate on the eight qualities from the Beatitudes.

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Friday, March 9, 2007

WEEK SIX - The Servant Mind

Jesus "made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant" ~ Phil. 2:7

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
What a beautiful lesson! I think more than anything, it really showed me that being a servant does not only consist of serving others. It really is to have Christ's servant mind in order to serve. Focusing once again on the virtues of Christ's example gave me a lovely picture of what it truly means to have a servant mind and heart.

I loved meditating on the following:
* Courage is a servant quality that demonstrates conviction.
* Christians are light for this world because the Light of the World dwells in us.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
Humble - Why do I have such a hard time with pride?? The Lord always has to humble me in order for me to depend fully on Him. Dust-eating seems to be my current hobby lately. One thing that I always struggle with is not to seek recognition for my work. It's getting better in that I don't dig so deep for approval or affirmation especially when doing the Lord's work in BSF (ie lecture, seminar etc) but I see that I definitely seek recognition at home or among family and friends. It's sickening because I know that serving God in my family is my greatest privilege and yet I have such a hard time doing it humbly!

Willing - In this culture, we roll our eyes but nod approvingly at being strong-willed. I realize that being strong-willed is not godly, unless it is being truly God-willed. "The will of the Master must be the will of the servant, or the work will not get done."

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
There are days when I truly feel like I'm going to fall apart (like today!). This pregnancy has been really difficult especially with 3 young ones. Could you all just pray for me that I will be able to get through this period without checking myself into Anthony's hospital? Thanks!

In light of eternity, Jules

Thursday, March 8, 2007


I might be a little too gung-ho and jumping the gun here, especially since I'm not sure what kind of condition I'll be in after having the baby - but something that I would like to do is read through the Bible this summer. There is actually a Bible and group thing that gets you through it. I am hesitant to start another group discussion - but I am praying about doing this next instead of another study. If you are interested, start praying about it. Can you imagine??? It takes about an hour a day and you use the NIV to read through (not my favorite version, but very readable).

I think it would be easier to do if I had accountability. Let me know what you think?

Sunday, March 4, 2007


"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekeness, temperance: against such there is no law" (Gal. 5:22-23)

Although this week's study is simple in exercise, it's been a blessing to meditate and focus on each attribute that's presented in this verse.

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Elijah Syndrome

Eugene's got a gladiator complex and I've had a touch of the Elijah syndrome. Thank you for showing me that I am not alone. I am embarrassed with my outburst - but my human side of me felt exhausted and weak and alone. The Lord showed me once again that not only is He always with me, but that there is a small remnant still remaining faithful. I'll get out from under my tree now and stop the whining.
Love, Jules

Friday, February 23, 2007

WEEK FOUR - Godly Wisdom

The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. ~ James 3:17

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


How did your lists go? Mine were pretty extensive and intensive! I want to post more when I have more time (like Wed). But here are the questions to get the discussion started.


1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Friday, February 9, 2007


1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
This week I started my list and it's an extensive one at that! Of course, it's easy to see that I have a conflict of interests, wants, desires that cause me to struggle within myself. I thought this was an interesting exercise since it reveals what's on my mind and heart. To go from a disordered mind - conflicting heart - to a look at an ordered and harmonious mind was a blessing! I loved meditating on the 17 virtues or characteristics of the mind of Christ - mixing them together to see how beautifully they blend.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
This week I've been challenged to demonstrate in my life the truth of my convictions. I believe in seeking first the Kingdom - but does my life indicate this? I believe in living in light of eternity, but do I make the choices that prove that? I want to have a deep desire and outer demonstration of obedience to what the Lord shows me in this study.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
My prayer is what Hunt prayed: "Do anything Lord to fix my "wanter". I will accept the fact that You really do want me to be like Jesus, REGARDLESS of the cost." Lord, help me!


Saturday, January 27, 2007


I decided to go ahead and post the questions in order to let those who already finished this unit to post their responses while the thoughts are fresh. This week just lays the groundwork for the heavier chapters to follow. I am enjoying the Memory work as it IS absolutely vital to fill our mind with the Word in order to be transformed. I pray that we will "hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." Heb. 10-23-25.

The easiest is to go ahead and either copy and paste the questions into your post, or to just number your answers.

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

In light of eternity,

Monday, January 15, 2007

Getting to know you... (Intro)

Hey, this is the place to introduce yourselves!

Most of you know me (I don't LEAD the study, I CO-ORDINATE it!) :-)
I'm Julie and I currently live in WV. I'm a busy mom who doesn't work outside the home but I hesitate to say I'm a stay-at-home mom because I am constantly on the run, but I am first and foremost, a wife and mother! I was saved when I was 12 years old. I have a wonderful husband, Anthony and soon-to-be four beautiful children: Ethan 7, Lauren 6, Cayden 4 and Babygirl due May. I homeschool my kids, I love to read books that draw me closer to the Lord and currently 'co-ordinate' a book club. I attend a small but faithful assembly (chapel) here. I am involved in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) as a leader twice a week. I play piano, read, study and love to have friends over for coffee and pizza. We have a full and vibrant life because of God's abundant grace!

I plan to study in the mornings between 6:30-8:00 and then evenings from 9-11pm. That's all! Next!!!

Starting the study

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

I hope you all take the time to read this as we have several who are new to the study and are not familiar with how we study and post. There have been some changes so I thought I'd just go ahead and explain everything in one email.

I'm so glad you all decided to join us for this 12-week study. I pray that the next 12 weeks will be exciting and life-changing! I have set up a new blog called The Mind of Christ or We have quite a large group because I've combined the Family group and the original Women's Group. I think this would be an easier way to share our thoughts and keep track of all the messages without cluttering up our emails. To use this, please post under the appropriate topic and press "Comment". A window will pop-up where you will be able to write in your post and then to submit, scroll to the bottom, hit "Other" and then put in your Name (website not necessary). I've eliminated the need for a password to simplify this process and to make it accessible to everyone.

A few steps to help us start our study:

First, I'd like you all to (re-)introduce yourselves on the blog under Introduction. You may write a brief greeting: How we know each other, what you do all day (occupation, school), and other interesting information to familiarize ourselves with each other. All of you are dear to me in one way or another and it's exciting to get you all together in cyberspace!

Second, consider that the study will take a good 30-40 minutes each day 5 days a week for the study as well as time for prayer and reflection. This means that in our busy schedule you can't just wing it! "If you spend this kind of time in the Word of God, I assure you, He will change your life." And that is what we all want from the Word. Not mere academics but a change in our attitudes, our thinking, our hearts, our actions, our words, our life! I would like you all to consider WHEN you will be spending this quiet time and write that in your email as well. Emailing each other with this will keep us accountable - I'm not trying to be snoopy! Also, I would suggest a back-up plan as well, in case your original quiet time doesn't work out that day.

A few of you requested another week to purchase books and there has been some serious illness so I thought it wise to postpone the start of the study for one more week. That doesn't mean you can't start though! This is a good chance to get ahead! Here's the study schedule - I've got it written in my workbook so it's easily available.

Week Date
1 1/22-1/28
2 1/29-2/4
3 2/5-2/11
4 2/12-2/18
5 2/19-2/25
6 2/26-3/4
7 3/5-3/11
8 3/12-3/18
9 3/19-3/25
10 3/26-4/1
11 4/2-4/8
12 4/9-4/15

We study Monday through Friday and post on the weekend. I encourage you to answer these 3 questions in order to share with others your findings as well as remind yourself of what the Word has taught you that week. This review is really vital to this study as it helps to solidify the lesson at the end of the week.

I've shortened the questions we reflect on:

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Please don't miss this important step as it will encourage all of us and keep you connected to the study! Even if you are behind, you can easily post whenever you're done. I just pray that your spiritual life will be enriched by the study of His precious Word and that you will grow in your knowledge and appreciation of Christ.

If you have any other questions, just email me. I would just bookmark the blog site as a "favorite" so that you can check regularly. It's only interesting when we all participate! Looking forward to what God will transform in us through this study.

In light of eternity,