Saturday, February 17, 2007


How did your lists go? Mine were pretty extensive and intensive! I want to post more when I have more time (like Wed). But here are the questions to get the discussion started.


1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.


Anonymous said...

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
It was so refreshing to learn again about our freedom in Christ. There doesn’t seem more else to say. It is just amazing that although we are sinners, we are no longer under the bondage of sin, but have Christ as our master. The freedom we have in Christ is such a blessing! “Christ’s freedom within you allows and assists the mental quality of attention-attention to God, to His Word, to prayer, and to his voice. God’s desire is our freedom.” (pg 48). Knowing that this is God’s desire for me is so encouraging.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
I have to admit that I didn’t spend as much time on the lists as I should have. If I trurly want a change in my life I should make time for exercises such as these. However, from the lists that I did make, I already have many things to change. What was most challenging was seeing how so many of my responses had to do with me. What I want, need, strive for…I could go on. It really is sobering to see that things so common in life are selfish. I pray that I may be able to change this through MUCH prayer and application.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
I have 2 midterms this wk (organic chemistry and biology) please pray that I not only study these subjects, but that I don’t neglect my quiet times.
And that I really try to apply all that I’m learning from this lesson to every aspect of my life. Oh! Please also continue praying for the Lord to show me how to better serve my church.

Anonymous said...

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
It was a blessing - and a challenge - was doing those lists. It's funny because this week, I realized how much I love making lists (no wonder Ethan does too!) but this was very different as I humbly worked through the 12 categories. The blessing was being able to see how the Lord would transform my selfish responses into characteristics that God can use for His kingdom.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
Relationships - Being able to commit my children and my husband to the Lord. That regardless of where He leads them, I would rejoice when their love and service to Him outranks their love and service to us.
Duties - Every duty that the Lord Jesus had had an eternal ring about it. I pray that mine would as well.
Possessions - Being able to give up my money and possessions in order for God to use them for His purposes to bless whomever He chose. I'm also dealing with this issue while reading the book, Money, Possessions and Eternity which is life-changing.
Hurts - Being able to forgive the few people who have deeply hurt me. I realize that there are a handful of hurts that keep resurfacing and my grudges bother me. I want to face these people with TRUE love and forgiveness and show Christ in me.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
Obviously our participation is low! The ticker's going up so some of you are checking! I just pray you are keeping up with the study - even if you're not posting. I would love to hear from each of you though. My prayer request is for the health of the baby and mine as well. God bless!


sara said...

:) hi
i am late, :( sorry, but i think posting really helps me to remind me of what i've learned, and to organize my thoughts. i guess what i'm trying to say is that this late post is more for my benefit, but praise the Lord if it blesses you also!

1. what blessed you most this lesson?
- it really amazes me that Christ's every thought, word, act - conscious or unconscious - was perfectly aligned with God's will and character. even His habits, loyalties, and debts had an eternally oriented purpose. i can't imagine what my life would be like if my default mode was to glorify God as Christ's default mode was/is, but it awes me to think that this is the Lord's desire and purpose for me.

2. what challenged you most and how do you intend to apply it?
- the exercises of making the lists were really eye opening! i realize that i was sinfully turning a blind eye to a lot of my self-oriented purposes and desires in my habits, relationships, loyalties, etc.
i think the most rebuking list i had to make was the one about prejudices. like the study said, it may be easy for us Christians to think that we are prejudice free just because we're not racist, "sexist", etc. but do we ever think about the prejudices we have against other believers? i realized that i have a lot of prejudices against other believers who have differing convictions than i do. i also realized that a lot of the convictions that i am holding so tenaciously to, at the cost of loving my brother/sister, are ones that i have never really taken time to validate by searching the scriptures for grounds.
now that i have at least some of them listed plainly on paper, i want to really study the word to develop my own convictions, while asking those who may have a different opinion from me to explain their biblical reasoning for being so.