Saturday, January 27, 2007


I decided to go ahead and post the questions in order to let those who already finished this unit to post their responses while the thoughts are fresh. This week just lays the groundwork for the heavier chapters to follow. I am enjoying the Memory work as it IS absolutely vital to fill our mind with the Word in order to be transformed. I pray that we will "hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near." Heb. 10-23-25.

The easiest is to go ahead and either copy and paste the questions into your post, or to just number your answers.

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

In light of eternity,


Anonymous said...

OK, I'll go first.

1. What blessed you most this lesson?

Rom. 12:2, it was the verse I was captivated with while preparing for the year-end fellowship and prayer meeting with my family and close friends in 2006. Looking back, my goal in the past year was to develop a passion for the Word so that my thinking and life pattern may be in line with Christ. Engaging in personal and group bible studies and all that, however, led to unexplainable emptiness and even burden at times for not keeping up with what I was supposed to do and it just felt far from the passion I desired. The missing part I recognized during the prayer was "by the renewing of your mind" which is this study's main subject. Although study itself may help to accumulate biblical knowledge, renewal of our mind cannot be done without Jesus and His guidance through the Holy Spirit that we may understand and prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. As Paul indicated it is "God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure".

2. What challenged you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

In realization of so many of my shortfalls when I think about the six characteristics of the Christlike mind, the journey to be like HIm seems quite overwhelming or even impossible. But again we have to remind ourselves that it is Him, not us, to will and to do good - both. I pray that I may set my mind on things above, seek continuing renewal of my heart and choose to gird up that I may be ready to witness to the glories of Jesus Christ our Lord.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

Please pray that I may recognize and obey His will in my job transition and possible relocation of my family that might come in the near future.


Anonymous said...

Hello! :)

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
“God wants us to develop the mind of Christ. He causes you to want it. He enables you to do it. Then one day Christ perfects the work that God began. What a guarantee!” (pg 26)
It really is encouraging to know that God knows how hard it is for us to conform our minds to Him and His word, despite its greatness, and helps us by giving us the right desires and motives. It seems so hard and so easy at the same time! If we just let Christ take over, then we will grow more like Him each day! But oh is that more easily said than done!

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
What challenged me the most was the section on single-mindedness. I find that I struggle with this a lot. So many times during the breaking of bread service, I find my self thinking about the paper I have to write, or the food I ate, or…just stupid things, when I should be totally focused on Christ and His sacrifice! I really need to work on controlling my thoughts and focusing on Christ, not only during service but also through out the day.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
!! I really like this study! It is so different and simple from the other ones, yet its simplicity gets great points across.
Please pray that I stay diligent and continue to work hard for the next two wks and ready myself for midterms. And, that I may better serve my church in whatever way the Lord wills.

Anonymous said...

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

I really like the format of each lesson. I think every day's bible verse, Name of Christ for the day, the prayers, and the week's memory verse keeps the brain active and stimulated throughout the whole lesson. It does not take a lot of time to go through it, but I think a lot of information is efficiently compacted. I was blessed with learning that our actions as a Christian must start with the gradual transformation of our minds to that of Christ's. We would be foolish to think that this could be instant and expect it to happen without an abundant amount of time, discipline, and constant meditation on Jesus.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

To stop being a roller-coaster Christian that has his periods of fervor for the Lord followed by a period of complete lack of spiritual activity.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

I pray that my will may align with the Lord's at all times by the renewing of my mind, that it will gradually reflect His mind and image more and more.