Friday, February 9, 2007


1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
This week I started my list and it's an extensive one at that! Of course, it's easy to see that I have a conflict of interests, wants, desires that cause me to struggle within myself. I thought this was an interesting exercise since it reveals what's on my mind and heart. To go from a disordered mind - conflicting heart - to a look at an ordered and harmonious mind was a blessing! I loved meditating on the 17 virtues or characteristics of the mind of Christ - mixing them together to see how beautifully they blend.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
This week I've been challenged to demonstrate in my life the truth of my convictions. I believe in seeking first the Kingdom - but does my life indicate this? I believe in living in light of eternity, but do I make the choices that prove that? I want to have a deep desire and outer demonstration of obedience to what the Lord shows me in this study.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
My prayer is what Hunt prayed: "Do anything Lord to fix my "wanter". I will accept the fact that You really do want me to be like Jesus, REGARDLESS of the cost." Lord, help me!



Anonymous said...

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?

I was especially blessed to realize that the opportunity we were all given to go through this study is firstly of the Lord's initiative. Philippians 2:5 reminds me why we are going through this study in the first place: "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." He desires for us to have the same mind that Christ had, and He chose to use this study to work that out in each of us. How privileged and blessed we all are to be given such a great opportunity! I was blessed to have been invited to study with you all, realizing that God had purposed for each of us, in divine foresight, the start of a miraculous transformation for our minds in Christ.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?

The author's personal account of God's faithfulness in his life especially challenged me. He applied Matthew 6:33 to his life -- "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." When I read this verse, and the author's testimony, I was challenged to consider if I was truly seeking what Jesus told us to seek: His kingdom and His righteousness. Were my deeds, the outward fruit of my faith, showing that what I was seeking His kingdom first? And was I truly seeking, or even desiring, to be grow in righteousness with each day? OR was I being stubborn in thinking that I had to put priority on taking care of my earthly needs and urgencies, thus leaving the seeking of His kingdom and His righteousness in the back of my mind? Sad to say, it was more the latter than the former. Yet, by His sovereign grace, I feel that my attitudes and thinking are being transformed. In reading this verse, I am challenged to pray to God in trust and have faith that He will take care of any real needs I have as long as I seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness. How lacking in faith am I; and yet, how great is this promise, and how sure our Lord was when He gave it!

3. Prayer requests and other comments.

I am actually "ahead" in this study (about 3 days ahead of where we are supposed to be) because I had started through the study on the week that was supposed to be the first week. However, especially in the past week, I thought to myself that I could afford to not set aside my devoted time to study for one day, because I was ahead. As procrastination always results, one day quickly turned into two. This was dangerous, not only because a bad mental habit was forming, but it also showed me how much devotion, discipline, and heart I am lacking in wanting to truly let God transform my mind. I have now decided to start week 3 over so I am on the same page as everyone else, and so there is more "pressure" and motivation for me to keep up consistently with the study. Please pray that I would be consistent in desire and discipline to humbly seek the place where God can work on transforming my mind and heart.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Hope your weekend was as refreshing as mine was!

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
I’d have to agree with Jules about looking at all the virtues and seeing how they all complement each other. It makes me want a mind where all my thoughts/wants/desires blend well together so that I might reflect Christ.
2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
The most challenging thing for me this week was writing down the list. There were some things that came up that I didn’t want to write down because I knew they were selfish things. It was also hard seeing how so many things conflicted with each other. It made me realize that I’m not seeking God in many of my desires and am selfishly trying to make myself happy. James 4:3 describes this perfectly “ You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.”
3. Prayer requests and other comments.
I’m way ahead! (starting wk 5) I started on the first day we were supposed to start! But it has been a blessing just going back and re-reading each lesson to post. It helps me remember and re-apply.
Please continue to pray for my discipline in studying/school and that God may continue teaching me how to effectively read and learn from the Bible.

Anonymous said...

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” I grew up with this verse (actually, the song) and I feel I have taken it for granted. What an amazing truth this is! Jesus urges us to continually seek His kingdom and salvation, and with it comes the FULL care and provision of God. By meditating on this verse, I feel I was blessed to experience, or at least get a glimpse of the virtue of “peace”. What is more comforting than knowing that the all-mighty and all-loving Lord is providing our every need? This brought a peace over me and strengthened my yearning to seek Him with all my heart, soul and mind.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
As I now understand that spending time with Christ daily isn’t a “should have”, but a “must have” to sustain my personal relationship with Him, I am struggling with allotting a time slot for Him every day. Bible studies and quiet times have always been something I would do only when I absolutely nothing else to do and if there were no late-night Fresh Prince episodes on TV.

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
I pray that I can take this “relationship” seriously and not be like a jerk boyfriend who doesn’t spend time with his girlfriend. I need to give Christ His due and give Him quality time on a daily basis, and as the Lord will provide for everything else, no excuse acceptable.

sara said...

look jules, i'm posting!
and hello everyone else! :)

1. What BLESSED you most this lesson?
knowing that the Lord not only desires us to have the mind of Christ - such a lofty thought! - but also enables us to acquire it, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. it's astounding to think He frees us from our bondage to sin and death, so that we, only be His guidance and work, can be transformed and conformed to the image of His son - my Savior.

2. What CHALLENGED you most and how do you intend to apply it (with prayer and the help of the Holy Spirit)?
although i listed out all the desires i was conscious of, it was still hard for me to recognize how my desires were the source of struggles. SO yesterday, i took the time to list out my struggles and concerns, and suddenly it became crystal clear to me what my true desires are! the word was proven true - every struggle that i could think of could be linked back to a blatent desire to glorify and please myself rather than the Lord.
what i intend to do about this is to make it more of a point to identify my struggles and the selfish desires that lie behind them, and to ask accountability and prayer from those near me.
also (sorry! i know this is getting long!), it was very convicting to read matt 6:33 and remember to seek FIRST His kingdom - i have been trying to be very ambitious in my Bible reading and prayer life, but these past few weeks i have fallen flat on my face in my endeavors. i realize now that i was seeking the *means* of serving God - reading the Bible, praying, evangelizing - first, rather than the *ends* - His kingdom. what good is it if i desire to read the Bible more than i desire to know Him and serve Him?

3. Prayer requests and other comments.
like julie's, please pray that i would willingly give up all things to be conformed to Christ.