Friday, May 18, 2007

Anyone checking in???

Wow, I haven't been here in so long!
As you all know, I've just recently had a baby: Aria Eliana
We are all doing well - just tired and busy. I am enjoying being a four-time mom!!

I don't know what we are going to do on this blog - I want to study something else but perhaps later in the summer. Our cousin would like to join us. I think we all could use this break though!

I am reading through the New Testament - first rather quickly, and then I will read the Harmony of the Gospels that I got recently. If anyone is interested, there is a book club as well - check out the other blog called Earthen Vessels. There's a link on the sidebar.

anyway, if you still check in, would you comment here? Perhaps I'm talking to thin air!! I miss all of you!!! I'm sorry I didn't finish this study. This is the first - and last- time I do that.

Love and blessings


Anonymous said...

hi julie (and friends?) !

just checking in. and also, congratulations w/ aria eliana! hope all of you are exulting in the Lord!


Anonymous said...


i'm just randomly checking in right now...i don't know if anyone will read my comment, since the last one was a mth ago.

is it your cousin clara? i really like her! i'd be done for another study, they really help to keep me on track. this summer has been a blessing so far though.

hope you and the kids are doing well. chris is there with you right now!

Truthseeker said...

hey estera!
i do check on this blog from time to time. i have a desire to start up anothe study but maybe when we have a regular group again. i am always up for it! pray about which study to do because our cousin clara wants to keep in touch by doing a study as well. this would be ideal.

we're all doing well. it's crazy here but everyone is having fun! chris' kids are so cute!
