Friday, September 14, 2007

Chapters 1 & 2

Hope you all had a good week! I can tell that this study is going to be very convicting and soul-searching. I already have quite a few thoughts formulating and I've been praying about certain areas that need to be placed before the Lord. In order to share meaningfully, I will give you a couple of questions to consider and answer under this post.

1. What has been most meaningful (blessing or challenge) to you in this week's lesson?

2. What do you intend to apply (through prayer and the Holy Spirit)?

3. How can we pray for you this week?

Now for those who are married, here is this week's "assignment" (Wendy's idea!). In your journal, or your study guide, write down areas in your marriage in which you'd like to see change. Make three headings, Me, Him and Us. We will look back at the end of our study to see how God has changed us and give Him the glory! This is not to point out areas of faults and weaknesses - but areas we can honestly bring before the Lord in steadfast prayer. He knows our every need and will meet those needs with His all-knowing and loving wisdom.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm first!

Being reminded that God created woman to be a helper suitable for the man. God didn't create us and plan our roles to be the other way around! I confess that I often view Anthony as the one who needs to be home earlier so that he could help ME. I have been complaining lately about so much of the burden of running this household being laid upon me - and feeling resentful about it! Is that Satan's deception or what??? Of COURSE the brunt of the responsibility of running this household belongs to me! I was created for that and He has called me to this role! I realize that I need to stop whining and start striving. I need to strive for EXCELLENCE in this job just like I would do if I went to work!

Secondly, I appreciate how Martha approaches us women here. She first states God's plan and ministry for us wives and then, as if she anticipated the general reaction - whether frustration, weakness, hurt or hopelessness - she addresses it with the comfort of God. God hears my voice, He is gracious and compassionate. He heals the brokenhearted and strengthens those who are weak and in need. How beautiful. I think so few of us are perfectly happy and satisfied in our marriages because we have let the enemy deceive us. Joy awaits those who GET the truth! Help us to GET IT Lord!

Please pray for me as I need wisdom and strength to get through each day. I will ask more specifically next time. :-)

In light of eternity,

Anonymous said...

1. The most useful/meaningful thing was going over my priorities as a wife and mother. I have no excuses because God has equipped us to fulfill our roles and responsibility. I also want to focus on WHY we have these priorities – for our joy, safety, and fulfillment in life!

2. I want to really focus on my attitude towards my responsibilities as a wife and mother. I shouldn’t have guilt about not spending time with my children and husband – rather I should focus on transmitting a godly, loving character when I actually do spend time with them! My 3 yr old daughter just brought over her princess purse and showed me its contents. She said, “Look mom! I’m like you!” She pulled out her cell phone and pack of gum. Then she started chewing gum and calling someone. She’s watching and copying my behavior. My attitude will shape how she speaks to others, treats her husband and teaches her children!

3. Please pray that I can strive towards the big picture in this study – to be an Excellent Child of God! Becoming an excellent wife is truly only a side effect of developing an obedient, loving relationship with Jesus Christ. I’ve been ignoring or excusing that “still small voice” calling me to spend time in the Word and prayer.