Ok, I'm the first to introduce myself!
I'm Julie Park, helpmeet to Anthony, mom to Ethan, Lauren, Cayden and Aria! I home school my oldest three kids and stay at home. I thrive on busyness, have a great interest in theology and study. I love to read and collect books. I am both goofy and serious at the same time. I absolutely adore my sisters and brother. They are so dear to me! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
I live in WV where my dh is working as a geriatric psychiatrist. He just set a ton of mouse traps in all our attic space and he's feeling nauseous and head-achy. Please pray he didn't breathe in something he's not supposed to!
Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
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Hi Ladies!
I'm Christina, Sung's wife and mom to Jarrod and Abigail. I'm working full time as a 2nd Grade teacher, and serving in a youth ministry with my husband. After 10 yrs of marriage, I've really learned the truth that our relationship with our husbands is THE SECOND MOST important one in our life after God. It's worth our heart, mind, soul and strength because if our marriage is bad, our life is bad. Simply put. Also, having this group of ladies for the last few years of intense bible study has made all the difference. Let's be honest, open, wonderfully (okay painfully) transparent and just let it all hang so we can truly be at home together! Marriage is definitely not for just happiness but for purifying our sinful nature to reflect Christ IF we let Him actually do His work. since Jules just shared about her hubby laying mouse traps I'll give you an update on my hubby. I forgot to tell him my son's class wants to celebrate his birthday tomorrow since he's a summer vacation b-day so he left at 9pm to find birthday pencils for 20 students for tomorrow morning. OOPS!! Beat that Jules! Looking forward to the rest of your posts!!!
I'm Estera! I'm a 3rd year college student at UC Berkeley. I'm studying Public Health and Lord willing will be a nurse someday.
Although I'm still single,(in fact...people have more than once said that I'm going to become a cat lady :( ) I'm really excited to learn everything we are going to learn so that someday I can be a better wife :). I agree with Christina when she says that doing these types of Bible studies really help! It's so good to have sisters to learn from!
Hello everyone! I'm Wendy Foulke...............I'm primarily going to be doing this study with Julie's other group (the WV one), but will be popping in from time to time on this blog as well. In an email to the WV group, Julie shared about how she tried to steal (*smile smile*) my books during our first meeting of one another; however, she neglected to mention that I almost caught her doing that again at the Cinci homeschool convention!!!! :):) hahaha! We certainly do have similar reading habits & a mutual love of books. But even more than books, Julie is a wonderful friend who I treasure deeply. We have found so much in common with one another that I've called her my Korean twin. :) Julie spurs me on with encouragement in loving the Lord and living for Him alone. I am blessed to be a part of this study with you all. I was a long-distance friend to Julie when I lived in Ashland, KY; but now I'm really really long-distance as our family has moved to the northwest OH area (specifically, Perrysburg). :( I miss Jules very much and want her to come visit me sooooon. Hopefully we'll be able to visit the Huntington/Charleston area during the Christmas holidays.
Now, onto my family. Dave and I have been married for 16 years this coming October 12. We have 3 children, all boys, Alex (almost 13), Reese (9) and Tate (2 1/2). We are a homeschooling family who is enjoying our new church, Christ the Word PCA, where we are meeting many strong & loving believers. This is especially important as we moved into a home on a cul-de-sac with neighbors who are very friendly & sociable, but not Christians. We truly see it as a mission field, yet while we live our lives among them we need to be strengthened by other believers. I have signed up to do The Excellent Wife with some of the ladies at our church on Wed. mornings. We are using the study guide and doing one chapter a week. I'll be behind y'all, but I'll contribute as I learn new things. If you don't mind hearing about things well after you all are done, then I'll keep emailing. Perhaps my continuation of the study after you're done in 12 weeks will help you all persevere in applying these principles after your study of it is long over.
I want to be transparent about my marriage & my present relationship with Christ as we head into this study. Dave & I have enjoyed precious compatability and love throughout our marriage. We did not begin this marriage as followers of Christ (we were just nominal Christians), but God's grace was upon us from the very beginning. When you think of that "soulmate", as you commonly hear spoken by those in the world, it would truly be Dave for me. God is so gracious to bless me with him. However, I've neglected this in the past and pray that I would be diligent to never do so again. I was always determined to be a working-mother. I only had children because 'that's what you do after you get married'. While I loved my two oldest boys, I didn't grasp what a blessing they were from the Lord. After several years as a working-mother, I knew I'd prefer to be home with the boys, but even then I thought that I needed to be doing lots and lots of things in order to be 'successful & fulfilled'. I became over-involved in various church ministries (all good things, right???) and inadvertently neglected my husband and boys. Until God moved us out of our comfort zone (8 hours away from home), I was unaware of my neglectful behavior. Again, God's grace poured all over us and He surrounded me with godly women who loved Him, loved their husbands, lived a life that was from the Word not from the world, and enjoyed managing their homes. I had no idea up to this point how worldly my life was, even though I had re-dedicated myself to Christ a full 7 years earlier. How wonderful God was to change us!! In fact, we got pregnant with our third son after all of this & finally understood what a blessing children are from the Lord. Of course we feel that way about all 3 of our children now!! Since that initial change (2002), my husband has been transferred with his job 4 times (yes, that's 4 times in 5 years) and my spiritual life has become flabby with all of the distractions of these moves. I've had difficulty desiring God, desiring His Word.....consequently, I've not been a wife of the Word nor a mother of the Word and I see our house crumbling with a lack of peace and joy and love. God has been slowly & gently showing me this and I'm in the early stages of finally submitting to Him.
Please pray that Dave & I can speak with candor & honesty as we evaluate our lives and compare them to God's Word. Pray that Dave would rise up once again as a bold & powerful leader, through God's strength, as He leads our family. Please pray that I would submit to God as He illuminates my sin & cleanses me with His forgiveness. I am so thankful for His righteousness that gives me true worth & I pray that I would keep this in mind and not attempt to seek that worth elsewhere.
Sorry for the novel.............call this an intro & an early post as well--> a pre-study post that hopefully will glorify God and His work in our family as we look back at the end of the study and compare a post-study post. :)
Blessings to you all, Wendy
Hi Everyone! David and I have been married for 7 years; we have one daughter Natalie who is 3. I know that everyone here has their own problems, but this past year and a half has been overwhelming. I know that through all the pain, God has brought us to this point to make us stronger. Prior to now, we have been living as superficial Christians. I want my life to exemplify Christ!!! So far, my role as a wife has been anything but submissive, and I know that is where God wants me to be. I am so glad we have this study. Forgive me in advance for my tardiness. We are in the middle of a move!
Hi there All~
I'm Stacey,friends with Christina. We met through a mutal friend, Sarah Harris now Lordenich.
I've been married for 8 years. We do no have children but are in hope. I've worked in property management and real estate for the past seventeen years. I have taken this past summer off from work and have loved every minute of it.This bible study came at a much needed time in my marriage. Just weeks before this study started, Christina loaned me the book " Love and Respect" I have realized how much I but my husdand second or third on my list of importance. Another area of growth needed in my life is maturing in my walk with God. I've been a believer for nine years. The one thing I know for sure is Satan can attack me much easier as a baby Christian than a mature one. I'm on the road to blossom into the woman God has intended me to be. HE will finish the work he started in me. How beatiful is that.
Peace to you
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